Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tattoo Ideas For 2010 - Top 3 Hottest New Tattoo Designs

Tattoo Ideas For 2010 - Top 3 Hottest New Tattoo Designs

Are you ready to get a new tattoo this year? No matter if it is your first tattoo or your tenth, getting fresh ink requires a little research and development before going to get it done. Designs and trends seem to change on a year to year basis, and 2010 appears to be no exception to that rule. Here are the hottest new tattoo design ideas for 2010. Pick one of these and you are sure to be happy with your results.

Top 3 Hottest New Tattoo Designs for 2010

  1. Roman Neck Tattoo - Getting a Roman tattoo on your neck may sound a little painful, but the look is certainly in style. The roman letters can represent anything from sayings of strength and power, to the name of someone close to your heart. While the most popular versions are black and white, getting some color on your neck tattoo will make it stand out from the rest.
  2. Hand/Finger Web Tattoos - Believe it or not, many people are now getting tattoos on their hands and fingers. A popular idea is to get a spider web type design on your hand or even your palm. The look is especially distinct when you add pictures of spiders or small animals to the design as well. Be careful here, though, as you will be locked into everyone seeing it whether you want them to or not given the visible location.
  3. Middle Back Bird Tattoos - Getting a soaring eagle or other similar bird in the middle of your back, so it spreads its wings as you stretch your back, is becoming more popular and in demand. This easy to cover up tattoo can be a very complex and personal design and the color pallet is virtually limitless.
Getting a tattoo is a very personal decision and you should do your research and homework before going to get the permanent ink applied. Stick with one of these top ideas and you will be happy with your results.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Various Styles of Girly Tattoo

The Various Styles of Girly Tattoo

Cute changeable tattoos are actual accepted nowadays and still growing with astonishing speed. Earlier tattoos were not advised acceptable for girls. Girl with a boom was believed rebellious. But not anymore, today due to the alluring access about 40% of bodies in the age accumulation 26 to 40 year and 6% of bodies in the age accumulation 18 to 25 year accept tattoos.

In the beginning, tattoos were accompanying symbols of masculinity. Nevertheless, nowadays added women are additionally to get active with tattoos too. It ability be because they accept become added competition. They anticipate that they can do whatever men can. Subsequently the bank has broken; admirable changeable tattoos accept become the trend of the day amid fair sex.

Before accepting a tattoo, you should altercate and access some admired opinions from your accompany or ancestors members. It's to ensure you will accomplish a appropriate accommodation on selecting the changeable boom you like for the blow of your life.

Besides that, alive the hidden affidavit others accepting specific boom designs will advice you to begin castigation as well. It will advice you in chief what, where, and how to get these tattoos.

Do you absolutely apperceive what admirable changeable boom is? These are absolute and baby mostly beat by ladies. Generally these tattoos are altogether elaborated. These are advised as accessories rather than tattoos. Left shoulders, ankles, high chest, and lower aback are the best anatomy genitalia for this affectionate of boom design.

The best adopted anatomy allotment is lower aback for admirable changeable tattoos as these genitalia can be calmly buried back bare such as at schools or at office. Alternatively, you can calmly advertise these anatomy genitalia and thus, the tattoos by cutting clothes such as bikinis and shorts. Ankle tattoos are additionally abundant emphasis pieces. If you appetite to advertise your admirable changeable tattoos, abrasion bikinis accompanying with high-heel sandals and airing on the beach.

Cute changeable tattoos are actual expressive. You can add some personality to them. You will acquisition assorted designs of these tattoos including butterflies, flowers, angels, sun, hearts, dolphins etc. Apart from attractive beautiful, they will accurate your alone as well.

If you are gluttonous for a boom for the aboriginal time, it's appropriate to ink with the about baby designs aboriginal instead of activity for those acute designs. Admirable changeable tattoos are acceptable for that purpose. These are almost baby but action abundant and accomplished designs. In conclusion, it's consistently appropriate to do some analysis afore you accept one.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Best Flower Tattoo Designs - The Lily Tattoo

Best Flower Tattoo Designs - The Lily Tattoo

The Lily flower is my girlfriend's favourite one. I think many other women feel the same about it. I must admit it is quite a beautiful flower, but what I appreciate most about it, is that it is a great subject for wonderful tattoo designs.

The lily is native of the Balkan Peninsula in south-eastern Europe, from where it was imported in other European countries, where it became first one of the most admired flowers and then on of the most popular flower tattoos.

Traditionally Lily flowers are white - noble, elegant, white flowers, which have been often associated with ideas of purity and innocence.

Christians made of the lily a symbol of purity to represent the divine virginity. St. Joseph is often depicted with a stick from which sprout white lilies. A legend says that Mary chose Joseph because she saw him among many with a white lily in his hand.

Throughout the centuries the lily has been associated with several Saints and the Archangel Gabriel.

But a lily has not always symbolized purity and chastity: Lilies' typical phallic pistil and their erotic fragrance made quite the opposite impression on ancient Greeks, who linked these flowers with concepts like fertility and procreation.

Myths say that the first lily was born from a drop of milk fell from a Juno's breast while nursing the baby Hercules.

The lily is also the heraldic flower for excellence. The connection with procreation may have been behind Louis VII decision to adopt the fleur-de-lis as French coat of arms. The legend says that a lily was brought to him by an angel. So began the story of the French lily, which had also to ensure the prosperity of the royal line.

A stylized lily is still regarded as the emblem of the city of Florence, Italy, and also a quite common tattoo design in that region.

Beside traditional meanings like purity and chastity, today a lily tattoo is also used to represent concepts like pride and nobility of spirit. A lily flower is the ideal gift for a fair, honest and elegant woman, if we want her to feel like a queen. It is also the perfect tattoo design for proud and strong girls who, at the same time, love wonderful and elegant flower tattoo designs.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tribal Chest Tattoos - Feeling Connected to the Past

Tribal Chest Tattoos - Feeling Connected to the Past

Tribal tattoos appeal simply, both to our psyche and emotions. They seem to convey specific emotions that communicate us to something beyond our comprehension. They were also used as a form of tribal identification. If you put on the wrong tattoo, it will risk your chances of being one of the tribe and they might just permanently mark you as an outsider. Many have recently emerged from their unsavory reputation of the recent past. In fact these tattoos have gained increasing prominence in the past decade.

Tribal Chest Tattoos recounts the history of body decoration, explains the meanings and myths behind the symbols, and offers many patterns that can be combined into new motifs. All the designs included can be enlarged and traced to decorate any part of the body. Tribal tattoos have lot of black ink that holds up the tattoo very well and does not fade like other colors. The designs of tribal tattoos are popular and it is easy to design one.

Tribe members would carve patterns into blocks of wood and then transfer it onto the skin. Tribes such as the Iban would then borrow tattoo motifs from the Kayan and others and adapt to suit their own tribe. Tribes in Africa tend to do this more than anything else. Wounds are cut into the skin and either the wound is packed with a substance so that it becomes raised or it is rubbed with ash or sand until the wound rises up.

These type are very popular, however, since many individuals long to feel connected to the past, to resurrect the ideals of their ancestors and to create or continue the common thread that weaves in and out through human existence. Aside from tribal tattoos, there are many other groups of tattoo ideas. Tribal tattoos have the same effects when done tastefully. They symbolize power, energy, force, ability and skill.

They will hit the deepest personalty when finished tastefully. They represent power, energy, force, knowledge and skill. Many that have a lot of detail can be a bit complex, both to draw and to tattoo. No matter what you have in mind for your design, you can rest assured that it can be accomplished.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back Tattoos For Men - Locating Sites With Amazing Tattoo Art

Back Tattoos For Men - Locating Sites With Amazing Tattoo Art

There are only a few directions you ca go when searching for back tattoos for men on the net. The bad news is that the way 90% of you do it, you'll be brought directly to sites that have nothing to offer but generic junk and cookie cutter designs. That's it. To stay out of this statistic, let me share the easiest way to find loads of fantastic back tattoos for men and the sites with quality drawn artwork.

Isn't that what we all basically want, no matter which style of tattoo we are looking for? Then why is it that you see so many guys with extremely generic tattoo design etched on their body. I hate seeing that, because I know that many of them really regret getting tattooed with that cookie cutter art. Some of them rushed their decision and others simply couldn't find anything better when looking for back tattoos for men. There's probably a good reason why they couldn't find anything better.

The reason is simple: They were probably using search engines when looking for artwork. Long story short, this doesn't work any more. All it does is give you lists of terrible sites that stuff heir database with as much generic junk as they can grab. That's all they care about. "Quantity" is far more important that the quality of the tattoo designs they put up. That's because they know search engines like lots of artwork, no matter how cookie cutter the back tattoos for men are.

This is the main problem with sticking with search engines. You shouldn't do it, unless you love looking through mountains of generic back tattoos for men. The good news is that there's a much, much better solution to finding fresh, crisp, quality drawn artwork. The "better" way is to slide right over to some of the larger forums across the web. It doesn't really matter which one you use, just make sure you go to the large ones. That's where you are going to find the hidden sites out there that are sure to have amazing, original back tattoos for men.

You can find this info because big forums tend to be packed with topics on tattoo subjects, where guys from all over the world share their findings of truly great artwork. That's the only kind of info you need in order to get right to the sites that really care about the artwork they present to people. There are too many people in this world with generic back tattoos for men etched on their body. It's as simple as that.

It's such a special feeling when you are 100% sure about the back tattoos for men you have picked out, and then select one to get inked.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tattoos For Girls Can Look Stunning and Beautiful

Tattoos For Girls Can Look Stunning and Beautiful

Tattoo styling can require a bit of care and also a lot of time to choose the right design. Some tattoos are well liked due to their unique styles and the way they are designed. This trendy fashion tends to change with time and in almost every decade since tattoos were first used there has always been some new development in technology that can make further enhancements in this art form.

One of the latest developments is in the form of new fluorescent types of inks that can stand out incredibly well. Presently, tattoos are becoming more and more popular. These days, tattoos for girls have become a unique fashion among women, they want to look different and expense is not normally a factor. Girls also want to lead the race and desire to look stunning and beautiful. Now, many girls and fashion models are also using this style in their fashion ramp.

It is crucial to select the right body part where you desire to have your tattoo as this selection is very important and adds to the look and feel of the tattoo and the person. There are some vital points that you need to know before having tattooed. Firstly, choose the right place where the tattoo can be visible to others.

Secondly, when having tattoos applied to your skin make sure that your tattooist is not using any harmful chemicals in his application process. The body structure of women is very different from men (obviously); therefore, therefore when you are looking at tattoos for girls, you should look for one that suits the body type of the girl that is going to wear it.

Tattoos can be done either temporary or permanent and it all depends on what you choose. You can have a permanent tattoo or a temporary but remember, in permanent tattooing you cannot erase it, it is sometimes easier to get a temporary one first to see how you like it.

Temporary tattoos are easily washable and at the same time, you can embed some new style on your body as the fashions change, but remember that in some cases, some inks can be harmful to the body so take care. Tattoo for girls solely depends on your choice, so pick the best one if you get the opportunity.

In any case,one of the best places to start looking for your ideal tattoo is in a tattoo gallery,there are a few on the internet that have many many tattoos for you to choose from. I know that my own collection has over 30,000 individual tattoos! It is just a matter of looking until you come across the perfect one for you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Shocking Truth About Sexy Tattoo Designs

Shocking Truth About Sexy Tattoo Designs

What is up ladies? Are you looking for that perfect sexy tattoo design that has some sex appeal? Maybe you are looking for a sexy place for that tattoo and do not want to do the normal "tramp stamp" on the lower back. Good looking and sexy tattoo designs can be easy to find but first lets point out some of the best places for new ink.

The Hot Spots

Now I am a man and my wife has several tattoos so let me be the first to tell you where most if not all men think a tattoo looks sexy! Here are a the most recognized places for a sexy tattoo design:

Back of Neck: This gets me and my buddy's wild. When a women goes to lift up her hair for any reason and a tattoo is present.....this is great to see. For some reason, a tattoo and the bottom of women's neck is just sexy. Do not confuse the neck with a tattoo that is clear view like the side of the neck. That looks trashy! Surveys show that most men think that the neck is a very sexy part of the women' body. Enough said!

Upper Back: Just a few inches lower than the back of the neck. A sexy tattoo design here also turns on a lot of men. You want to be careful of placement however. I was at a wedding and the bridesmaid had a tattoo there and was not covered up. That was not so hot but most tats can be covered up with special skin cream for formal affairs. This is a great place if you want something a bit larger.

Hips/Pelvis: Yes, we all know this area is sexy. Getting a tattoo just below your belly but about 2-3 inches off from the center of the belly button is very hot. My wife has one here and it turns me on every time I see it. The hips are also a great place. If you leave it stick up just above the waist line and wear a low cut shirt in summer...you will defiantly turn some heads....in the good way.

Ankles: Any sexy tattoo design on the ankle or the top of the foot is hot. The only down side is again with the formal affairs. Nobody wants to see a 45 year old with a faded tattoo on her foot at a Christmas Party or Wedding. Skin creams and tattoo cover up cream can be applied to distract from the ink however.

Wrist: Very hot but would not recommend. Our receptionist at work has one hear and it is not very flattering when we have high priced clients come in. If you work at a bar or a factory where this is not a problem...go for it. If you have a professional job I would steer clear.

Thigh: Sexy tattoo designs here are great. Nothing gets a guy turned on when you have to lift up your shorts a bit to show off your new art. Most clothing will cover this up so no need to worry. When a swim suit is worn you better watch out for a busy night of guys flirting with you!

Side: My 3rd most favorite spot but watch out! Ouch! I have a tattoo here of my friend who had passed on. We always said we would be at each other's side so what better place to have a picture of him. This hurt and gave me tears but every person I have ever met who seen this gave my nothing but great compliments!

These seem to be the most popular spots for your new found art but not many women do them. For what I reason I don't know but most stick with the lower back, shoulder or breast area. Once you pick out your location you will need a place to find your new sexy tattoo design.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tattoo Designs For Girls - Sexy and Cute

Tattoo Designs For Girls - Sexy and Cute

Imagine accepting that absolute little boom that will accomplish you that abundant added sexy, beautiful and interesting. There are affluence of abundant tattoos for girls that accomplishes this. Let me accord you some recommendations for adult and beautiful boom designs for girls.

Common choices for changeable tattoos are stars, hearts, flowers or added beautiful motives. The armlet or wristband blazon is additionally a actual accepted choice.

Here's a account of account to anticipate about:

* Abate tattoos. Tattoos actuality are hot! I awful acclaim because accepting tattooed on the ankle. These are additionally accessible to adumbrate if you assignment in a academic environment.

* Wrist tattoos. These affectionate of tattoos are accepting in popularity. Many girls accept to get tattooed on the base of the wrist. Beautiful stars or hearts attending absolutely acceptable here.

* Stomach tattoos. A nice motive actuality looks absolutely acceptable if you accept a acceptable abbreviate body. It's a bit of a accident accepting it actuality though, because if you anytime get out of shape, this wont attending that good!

* Close tattoos. Added and added girls are accepting tattooed on the aback of the neck. Stars is a accepted architecture best for close tattoos.

These are aloof some account for boom designs for girls. It's important to accompany a acceptable website and attending at galleries in adjustment to aces the absolute design. Attending for article not to all-encompassing or that is aloof a accepted fad, because bodies who get these affectionate of tattoos tend to affliction it later. Removing a boom is not accessible and can be actual expensive.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Rise of the Sexy Tattoos

The Rise of the Sexy Tattoos

Dragons, unicorns, allegorical creatures, spider webs, abounding up teardrops, abandoned teardrops, belletrist and numbers, names of admired ones, Chinese characters, animation characters, roses and added flowers, butterflies, snakes, skull and crossbones, affiliated designs, adult tattoos and added erotica - you name it and a boom parlor will best acceptable accept it. The corrective bark and added anatomy art has become a accoutrement of abreast society. There are artists who specialize in this field. In every avant-garde burghal there is a parlor you can go to, if you appetite to accompany the ranks of the tattooed people. The places are apple-pie and sanitary. Regulations in some cities crave it. There are contests area the best artists are about accustomed and awarded. Celebrities advertise it.

It wasn't consistently like this. A few years ago, the busy bark met with discrimination. It was affected that alone assemblage associates and those who spent time in bastille wore tattoos. Going aback to a time afore this, it was the men in uniform, the air force, the navy, the marines, and the army; and again the sailors, the built-in minorities, the warrior chic and the airy shamans. Bodies were assuredly apparent to denote acceptance in a appropriate class, or forcibly to analyze them as acceptance to a accumulation or a race, as allotment of a coming-of-age ritual. The affidavit for anniversary aeon in time and anniversary cultural accumulation were absolutely different. Today, biases and prejudices adjoin anatomy art accept burst down. Public personalities and celebrities accept succeeded in popularizing the tattooing trend. Adult tattoos are now hip and cool. It has alike been animated into an art form, with some galleries and museums sometimes featuring bark art. The actuality that women are additionally accepting their own bodies decked out in this way has beaten the acreage considerably.

Contemporary man's motives in accepting themselves all assuredly decked up in anatomy art can be captivated up in three words: artistic cocky expression. Whether it is beat in arresting areas to allure absorption and advance a personality, or added carefully in hidden areas of the anatomy for clandestine amusement and a faculty of self, they bleed a changeable that cannot be denied. Male tattoos can be aboveboard amative while changeable ones are adult in a added aseptic manner. The acceleration of the adult tattoos, which began with advancing of age rituals, baddest aggressive tattoos, and amative counterculture, is now at an all time high.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Popular Greek Tattoo Designs

Popular Greek Tattoo Designs

Are you cerebration about accepting a abundant Greek boom but aren't abiding area to begin? Do you appetite the architectonics to be as activating as possible? If so, it will account you to apperceive what some of the best accepted Greek boom designs are and area to acquisition them.

Interestingly, tattoos were a anatomy of abuse in age-old Greece. Today they are a abundant way to accurate your ancestry or your adulation of Greek community and mythology. Greek tattoos are bright and expressive, axis eyes everywhere.

Greek Key Tattoos

Key arrangement tattoos are actual accepted and one of the simpler designs. In age-old Greek and Roman architecture, the key arrangement was acclimated as a adorning border. When congenital in Greek boom designs, the key arrangement is advised to be a connected assurance of the amphitheater of life. It is frequently acclimated as a bound and works able-bodied with Celtic designs also.

Greek Words and Phrases

Greek alphabet symbols are additionally actual popular. They're actual are affected and beautiful and are a abundant way to actualize abounding altered designs. Best accepted are the acceptable symbols acclimated in fraternity and abode names; Alpha, Beta, Delta, Sigma and Phi are the best frequently used.

An absorbing way of application these alphabet symbols and words is to amalgamate phrases with added abstracts such as geckos or dragons. Phrases are additionally frequently acclimated as armbands or wristbands. A frequently acclimated byword is "Pistis, elpis, agape" which agency Faith, hope, love.

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Greek belief is abounding of absurd belief of gods and goddesses that accomplish alarming boom designs. You can architectonics tattoos that reflect your admired adventure and figure, or possibly reflect what's activity on in your life. Zeus and Apollo are some of the added accepted gods. Aphrodite and Athena accomplish abundant goddess designs.

If you're attractive for a belief architectonics it is benign to absorb a little time researching the characters and settings of age-old myths. That way you can be assured that your architectonics is appropriate for you afore you go beneath the gun!

Keep in apperception that boom parlors oftentimes accept actual simple and base designs accessible that will get you in and out quickly. Do your analysis anxiously if you appetite the best different boom for you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can You Find Sexy Women Tattoos Online?

Can You Find Sexy Women Tattoos Online

If you are a woman aggravating to acquisition a adult boom there are several altered places you can look. The aboriginal abode is at the boom boutique but I absolutely acclaim blockage abroad from this. These tattoos are actual blah and actual outdated. Not to acknowledgment you accept to leave your home and action with others at the boom boutique for the account binders. Nobody leaves home anymore to acquisition advice or buy article as it is all done online. Finding a adult women boom is no different.

There are two means you can acquisition tattoos online and I will breach bottomward anniversary one with pros and cons.

Searching In Google

If you appetite to acquisition some air-conditioned ink you can alpha your chase in Google by aloof accounting in what you are attractive for. You after-effects will appearance you bags of sites that bout and you can go from there.


-Will appearance bags of results

-easy and free


-Unoriginal designs

-May booty hours or canicule to acquisition what you want

-tattoos book our actual bleared as they appetite you to acquirement them

-If they do allegation as distinct architecture can amount up to $50

Joining a Boom Associates Site

A boom associates is a abundant abode to acquisition tattoos. You basically assurance up and log in and alpha your search. Unlike aloof activity to the chase engines, these associates sties basically go out and acquisition all the after-effects for you and accumulation them all in one stop. This is the best accessible and amount able way to acquisition a adult women boom by far.


-Very accessible to use

-Thousands of tattoos of what you are attractive for in one spot

-Can chase by architecture or class (women, Celtic, script, flowers...)

-Just pay one time and download as abounding tattoos as you want...forever

-Designs book out clear clear

-Tattoos added circadian and the designs are original

-Have forums to barter account or alike acquisition a charge less artist


-Onetime fee that is actual low

Tattoo associates sites are adamantine to acquisition back they are not able-bodied apperceive yet. The best abode to acquisition these are to go to a chase agent and blazon in changeable boom galleries and you will be apparent all the sites that match.

I am actuality to accomplish things absolutely accessible for you however. There are abutting to 700 boom membership's armpit out there but we apperceive the top 3. How? Because I accept admission to a armpit that lets me apperceive stats such as users, acknowledgment ante and customer ratings. So my wife and I fabricated a blog of the top 3 boom sites out there. We did a macho and changeable area back some are added geared against women and carnality versa.

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